Barney & Friends?!

Well you all know the famous children telly show called Barney & Friends. For those who don't know - it's a make belief purple dinosaur from kids' imagination..Just Google them and you will know who they are exactly. Why in the world am I blogging about Barney?? Well, please bear with'll know soon.

L-R: BJ., Barney and Baby Bop
(Credits of this pic goes to whoever took it, I nicked it off Google)

My 6-year old cousin used to LOVE watching Barney..and the other day I noticed that he was wearing a Barney, have a look:

Say, what? Looks like Barney, walks like Barney, but it's not Barney?

It's BOBO and Friends?? Yeah, contraband products have typo errors just so they don't get sued..but BOBO?? Normally if you go to the market, they have lots of imitation goods..Like Adidus, Geuss, and what not. So I guess the people who made this particular batch must know that it would appeal to a certain 6-year old who is extremely fond of BOBO. Why do I say that?

My cousin's good friend. Bobo can be a nuisance (most of the time) but you've got dear cousin standing up for him always

So his shirt should actually be:

L-R: JB*, Bobo and Baby Bubs**


* JB - Brownie, but I sometimes call him Johnny Boy, hence JB
** Baby Bubs - She's Brownie's late mother, Bubbles.


adelynne said…

Can you PLEASE quit making me laugh?!
Mariposa said…
=D i can't help it.

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