The Lion Dance

Every Chinese New Year, my neighbour will call the Lion Dance Troupe to perform at their home. It's a beautiful Chinese art that incorporates Kung Fu in their performance. Me being the nosy neighbour, I stole a few shots of them performing!

The troupe preparing for the performance

This is actually the Southern Lion Dance. One more, the Northern Lion Dance has a different looking lion - it's more shaggy. Personally I prefer the Southern one.. it looks cuter ;)

Having a lion dance performance in houses/businesses is common during Chinese New Year. The dance is accompanied by loud symbals and drums. This is to signify the chasing away of evil spirits (Correct me if i'm wrong, please). The lions are also a symbol of happiness.

The performance started when the firecrackers were lit off..Yes it was very loud. Scared my soul too. I'm sure the evil spirits sprinted off as far as they could!

Remnants of the crackers

So off they went into the house to ward off evil spirits and once they were out, they have to collect their 'payment'.


Their payment (in a red packet) is actually hung somewhere high, together with some 'greens'.

Jump high!


If I'm not mistaken, choy(vege in chinese) also means luck. The lion will chew the greens, and spit it out.It'll spit the lettuce and throw it out first to the left, then to the right and then to the middle to help spread prosperity in all directions.

See the greens on the floor? They pocketed the red packet!

For more information of the history of lion dance, you can visit these sites:
1. Wikipedia
2. Chinese Lion
3. Lion Dance


Jerome West said…
Opps, I forgot to wear red yesterday. I forgot that it was the Chinesse New Year. I am forgetting a lot lately. I must be getting old. Now say it after me 8 times ...
Mariposa said…
Lol you didn't forget. you can still wear red today - As it's the first day of CNY. (Monday)
Anonymous said…
This is soooo cool!!! I would love to have a much stronger asian culture presence here in America. Speaking of which... Chinese food sounds REALLY good right about now...
Mariposa said…
LoL @ Aaron~ it'a close to 4am there now! get your butt to bed already ;)
Turbodog said…
Hey there! I'm just surfing through and stopped when I saw the lions :). Ah, that brings me back. My kwoon used to perform the dance. I was always the head... then I grew and they made me the tail. My sifu (teacher) always said the bigger kids were in the back to hold up the head guy for power moves. To me, all I heard was "you're fat so move to the back now!" GAH! Anyway, have a great day!
adelynne said…
ya, the fire-crackers damn kuat one. and i jarang hear of ppl asking lion dancers to perform at one house, haha! like carollers wei! ;p

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