Happy 2013!! I've been a lazy blogger in 2012! Here are my highlights :) An online friend whom I've known for 5-6years came to visit me. We used to play an online game together. It was so nice to see her! it was also my first time driving "over the sea" - Penang bridge. Where we got 'lost'/took the road less traveled to visit St.Anne's Cathedral :D Pic Courtesy of KM. She took it while I drove Went to doggy obedience class with Cotton My birthday..and my best friend made an amazing card for me! Yes, I got surprised again this time -.- My good friend got married! First time being a maid of honour :) and 2 more good friends tied the knot too :) Watched some movies - not too many this year. Missed watching Batman and The Hobbit! Read too little books :( I can't recall most of the books I've read last year Went to Disney on Ice! Went to the beautiful Cambodia :) Got a surprise Christmas present.....