Mi obsesión?

cars, girls, actors, singers, muscles....these are some of the things some people are obsessed about...what the hell is obsession anyway?! ..fixation...addiction..escape?
What about Mariposa? Some of her friends (and sibling) say that she is obsessed with....an online game.. She doesn't think she is..An amigo once told her that he read something in Reader's Digest about gaming addiction..her response? "I'm not addicted!" Denial perhaps? First sign of addiction?..evs (go Toby Rand jaja) For now it's still under control..she has played this game for a year now, it just gets better and better (not her skills mind you =p) this is Mariposa :

Miss Mariposa in rags ... aahh the fresh sea air...

So, is this considered an obsession?

"Too Much of Something is bad enough,
But something's coming over me to make me wonder,
Too Much of nothing is just as tough,
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied"
~ Spice Girls

What about ye? What is yer Obsession?


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