
what do u think about these shoes? the crocs.

ugly? to me they seem like a real fashion disaster. but then again, it's always the choice of the wearer.

but the point i want to make here is that, there have been immitations of these ugly babies. i saw so many fake ones in shoe shops. but the icing on the cake came when i saw them being sold in the local sundry shop. goodness. (check out my picture below, spot the 'crocs' among the pails and other stuff!)

it's so ugly, but people are willing to pay RM 100 something for them. and then there are the geniuses who decided to make fake ones to cash in on the fad. smart i tell u. real smart. but there are people who want to buy the fake ones just to look "in". but what i heard about the real crocs is that they have some benefits as in anti-bacterial and comfortable maybe that may make it a little ok to look ugly, cause they have some positive effect to the wearer. but those that bought the fake ones...are just in it for the ugly bit. hahaha...

i guess i am a bit judgemental. i just can't stand those shoes. they are everywhere! and the fake ones come with some enhancements too...i saw some with printed motifs on them...

oh well. it's your choice whether u want to be a croc-er or not ;)


Mariposa said…
rofl ...hey I know ppl with crocs okay... but still HA HA ..I think the sundry shop ones have nicer shades lol
Oreja said…
yeah i think u are right....

but they are still

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