My Mother's 10 kitchen commandments

This is in no way her words..I made them up after observing in a controlled environment. =p

1. When I say cut them in cubes, I mean cubes and not rectangles.

2. When I mean a pinch of salt, I mean a dash of salt.

3. Don't touch my pots without permission.

4. Leek is God.
5. I Mean Celery.

6. Thou shalt not spill the beans.

7. If you're a bad egg, beat it.

8. Thou shalt cry over the spilt milk..thou shalt pay-eth!

9. If thou wants to help-eth, don't put thy finger in the pie. Stand back and watch.

10. I wont deal with thy half-baked ideas. It's my way or the high-way~

The kitchen is a holy place. Thou shalt not defy it. Keep it holy and consecrated (and mopped)..

Okay I made them up (just number 4, haha) Mum, please don't read this entry!! Most of the time she's as cool as a cucumber, but sometimes she's a hard nut to crack. My momma's the cream of the crop! This nutty fruitcake better stop here or I will probably land in hot soup soon!!

*sigh, FINE i'll stop it with the food idioms already =P

** Images taken from other websites, sorry I can't recall from where...but I'm not taking credit for them =D


Oreja said…

u are so gonna be in trouble when i relate this to your mother...

Mariposa said…
haha U wont if you're dead...=p *wink wink nudge nudge* hahahaha

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