
It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and the flowers are in bloom. The hibiscus plant in particular, was blossoming really well..

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

This is also Malaysia's national flower.. It comes in all sorts of colours and there are well over 200 species of hibiscus. I just found out that South Korea's national flower is also the hibiscus, but a different species.

Mr.Brownie just had a leak at the plant and is walking away nonchalantly.
Is that why the plant's growing so well and the flowers are so big and bright?


GMG said…
Hi Mariposa! Here I am to enjoy your lovely blog on my weekly visit! And this week we have again some wonderful pictures. The hibiscus look great!
Look forward to reading you at Blogtrotter, now back in Chania!
Have a great weekend!
adelynne said…
I agree. Brown's piss is making the plant grow bigger. *nods gravely*
Jerome West said…
We have Hibiscuses down here in Africa. Even KwaZulu-Natal's South Coast is called the Hibiscus Coast. They are very pinkish red.
Mariposa said…
GMG: Thanks for dropping by =) I love your posts!!

Addy choc: jaja you're hilarious!

Jerome: that's wonderful. Perhaps you could post some pics of em up =)
tr3nta said…
I love Hibiscus flower... just beautiful...
aL said…
Mr Brownnnnnnnnn!!! xD

damn sexy lah dia.
Mariposa said…
tr3nta: yup i love this flower =)
aL: lol..he's fit for a 'catwalk' eh?

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