
Oreja & I have some pics to share with you of the cats that live at our backlane. I started to "befriend/be a slave" to them about a couple of months ago when I was doing the dishes in the kitchen and heard some cats meow-ing. So it became a routine of feeding them at night and sometimes for lunch if we're around. They would know immediately when someone's in the kitchen and will meow their little lungs out for dinner. Today we got a chance to see them durng lunch and after they ate, they immediately went to the shade and rested..well I'd call it POSE. They are such posers!!

The joker on the left is the one that will meow non-stop till someone feeds it. The one on the right is the timid one..never heard it meow as of yet. Miss Middle will jump to get the food.

Cheetah girls or pussycat dolls?

The one on the right is the smart one. Once she finished eating, she'll lookout for me to see where I'm tossing next.

They heard our neighbours talking and went there instead.

There was one more Orange one but I don't know where he went. So there they are. Backstreet Boys better watch out, the alleycats are here to rule the lanes =D

And to end this post, I've a quote to share by Lillian Jackson Braun;

Cats never strike a pose that isn't photogenic.



adelynne said…
Me prefieren los perros. Los gatos... BLARGH. :p But I think they are Pussycat Dolls lah. :p
Mariposa said…
Addy: yo se.. pero, i'm beginning to like cats.. (OH GRIEF I SAID THAT OUT LOUD!!)
Anonymous said…
They are cute... we actually have a lot of stray cats roaming around here too, but they run away from us. Not to mention the possibility of them carrying pet germs and rabies. Ewww... so yea... just be careful Jan.

Lots of love to you... and love the pictures. ^_^
Mariposa said…
Aaron: Thanks for your concern =) We don't actually have direct contact. I took those pics from my window. We feed them via the window as well. So rest assured. ;)
Jerome West said…
Just need a black cat amoung them. Brandy my black cat is the queen with Maxy, the Italian Greyhound, as king. Both of them rule well together. We're owned.
Mariposa said…
Jerome: lol I can Imagine! Does Brandy dominate Maxy? I read this quote and found true:

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous
tr3nta said…
Beautiful... some look like clone of the other.. :-)
Anonymous said…
hahhaa pussy cats?? maybe they sing the song I dunno-what's the title " when I grow up i wanna be famous"? i yearn to see THAT =p
Anonymous said…
hahhaa pussy cats?? maybe they sing the song I dunno-what's the title " when I grow up i wanna be famous"? i yearn to see THAT =p
aL said…

mai gattttttttttttttttttttttt!
Jerome West said…
No both Brandy and Maxy take turns on been the dominant one. They get on well together. Sometimes I see Maxy chasing Brandy and other times Brandy is doing the chasing. They play well. On the other hand, Whiskey is scared of Maxy and Maxy knows it so you can imagine that Whiskey gets no peace when on open ground near Maxy.
Anonymous said…
i see...u started doing dishes ONLY 2 months back....mmm...interesting...

nice shots.
i want a sphynx cat! cute.
Mariposa said…
tr3nta: they are pretty cute ;)

Shahrill: haha yeah i shall play that song in the background when i see them again..the have a fierce meow!


Jerome: wow poor Whiskey! I'm glad to hear that Brandy and Maxy get along well. Do you have other cats? No Gin and Vodka? =P
We have 1 dog and 1 monster in dog's clothing.

Oreja: Quiet fool =P
You took some of those pics ;)

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