PANDA is here!!

Remember my love for Pandas? Well, I finally adopted one!! She's sitting on the table right now! My wish has come true!!! (I wanted a Panda - as stated in this post: Oh Tagged!) Oreja was ever so kind to let me use her card - Imma gonna pay you back - don't be lazy and give me the details alright?!

She arrived yesterday:

All the way from....Petaling Jaya..(not that far afterall, heh)

Yes, I was wondering where the air-holes were too..

OK,OK I didn't really adopt a panda, I Symbolically adopted one. I received an email from WWF Malaysia in regards of symbolically adopting one of the endangered species with an amount for the adoption kit. I thought, I sure as heck wouldn't be able to have a real one, why not get a cute plush toy? Plus it will help with the conservation efforts they are undergoing anyways.

..What they said

She came in this cute bag

I asked Oreja what we should name her, and she said Estrella (star in Spanish). I thought it was very appropriate!

She's hereeeeeeeee! My newest family member! Bobo, play nice!!

A panda has been symbolically adopted on behalf of my soft toy. ;)

The package also came with a letter from the CEO of WWF Malaysia:

Are you all ready to see her?

Yup, she's got a cute tush ;)

She comes with a tag that has some info on pandas. Sorry Crystal, your face accidentally entered the frame =P AL your pirate also wants his 10-second fame!

Here she is =D She's hand-made from Indonesia courtesy of Keel Toys

Estrella will suffice for the time being before I get to meet a real one! My cute baby-star =)

The adoption kit includes some write-up on Pandas and the solutions. WWF's solution for protection these cuties and their habitats are by partnering with the Chinese Government to establish panda reserves, to aid the Chinese Government in their conservation programme and supporting field studies in the Wolong Nature Reserve (I WANNA GO THERE!)

You can symbolically adopt a tiger, orang utan or a panda. For those who are in Malaysia, you are able to sybolically adopt these endangered animals. Go to this site for further information: Animal Adoptions

This offer is only valid till November 20th - so you better act fast if you want one of them! They said it would take 4 weeks for my package to arrive, but it arrived in 2 week's time! yay for GDex [never used 'em before =) ]

I'm so happy to get the Panda =D I'm gonna write a thank you note to WWF now..

Useful Links:
1. Panda - More info on WWf's conservation work around the globe
2. Symbolical Adoption
3. WWF Malaysia


adelynne said…
I should get one hor! SO CUTE! Estrella is a darling. Her name is really pretty!

I'm proud of you, chac!
Mariposa said…
yeah she's a keeper =) my sis got the right name for her; since i tend to use 'babystar' for anything cute..hahah Estrella it is ;)

Yeah go get a tigre..and name it cuenco!! =D
adelynne said…
SOT. cuenco my foot la :p
Mariposa said…
hahahhaa name it whatever you wantlah, but go get one =D
aL said…
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maiiiiiiiii gatttttttttttttttttt!!!

i want one!

you MNT!!! rwar. ROFL! xD
Mariposa said…
maiii gatttttttt cute right? =D

u should totally get a tiger..since you like to RAWR!!!!!! cepat pergi order..till nov 20 nia.
tr3nta said…
he is cute...
KM said…
AAWw... that is so cute...

I want one too!!!!

But don't think they will want to send to faraway places. :(

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