Adiós 2008!

2008 is almost over, this shall be my last post for 2008..let's see how the year went by for me..

Had a pleasant visit from mi chica Addy

Went to the World Music Festival with Addy and got blocked by big culos >.<

MU won the EPL & Champions' League!!

Spain won Euro 2008!!

Discovered my obsession on pandas..

Symbolically adopted one..

~7 deaths and 6 babies born in 2008

Made new 'friends'

..and kept the old

Brownie had a special birth date: 20.08.2008

Had some traveling fun

Read some books..

Watched some movies..

Got Awarded!

Finally stopped playing my online game - kinda stopped since last year but no relapse this year, Yay!

Started a Doodle Blog with my dear bestie; Doodle Dibbitz

Obsessed over the sky

Here's a last pic of the last sunrise of 2008
Final Sunrise of 2008 - 31st December

Here's wishing all of you a Wonderful start of 2009! Thank you for your support and I wish you happiness and all things nice! =) May God bless all of you!


Anonymous said…
Seems like you had a great year!!
Oh you've read and watched Twilight? What do you think?? Good?? Going to watch it soon-ish.
By the way, angels and demons movie coming out soon too!! hehehe...
That is such a lovely looking portrait ;)
Nice sunset to commemorate the final days of 2008. Have a great year!
Mariposa said…
Yes KM 2008 was not too bad, but there was loads deaths for me to handle in a year..but still i cannot leave out the good times i had as well. The book was good and the movie was good for me too..but you would understand it better if you read the book first, cuz the cut out some parts in the movie (don't the always do that?)
Yeah I can't wait for the Angels and Demons! I re-read it last year cuz of the LHC thingy..hahaha

Yes the portrait was awesome, heheh cuz there's you in it!

It's sunrise lah missy. hehehehe

Have an awesome year to you!
Anonymous said…
nice post! happy new year to u!
adelynne said…
Awww I'm first :D HEHEHE. Thank you chac. I love you muchos! And I'm so glad 2008 treated you well. I wish I could say the same, but 2008 was truly the worst year for me so far. The only good thing that happened was meeting K... :)

GMG said…
Hi Mariposa! Hope you survived the food and the champagne, and entered 2009 in great shape! ;))
Happy New Year! At least as good as it seemed to have been your 2008!
Blogtrotter will be posting on Delhi the next weeks; lots to see… Hope you like it and wish you a great weekend!
Jerome West said…
Wow, a good 2008. Have a blessed 2009.
aL said…
wei put up a cbox lahhhhh! :D
Anonymous said…
This is a beautiful entry... gosh I was too caught up in my own stuff to read it... damn. But anyway, lots of love. ^_^
Anonymous said…
shoott!! ur enjoying urself it music? always wanna go there but something always kinda holding me back..ehhee...fuyyoo, big culos eeh? what's that? butt in espanol izzit?hehee

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