Random posers



Amber & Antoine's first batch of baby hamsters.. then 10 more came along

Finally..this is PEACHY..a neighbourhood dog who had an accident with hair-dye..NO KIDDING!!



Pietro Brosio said…
Nice shots, Mariposa!
Very glad of your link: I'll follow both your blogs!
Maiden of Mercy said…
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Maiden of Mercy said…
How special. I bet your Mom loved it. My Mom wasn't here for mother's day. I gave her present to her and told her not to opened it until mother's day. She was in Canada. She was happy when she got to opened it. She told me that she loved it. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I hope you don't mind if I ask you this question. How old are you? Have a great day
adelynne said…
bahahaha, poor peachy! what a dilemma :p btw i miss you guys lah!
Maiden of Mercy said…
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Maiden of Mercy said…
yeah, I have a big and amazing family. It is so much fun being around them. You can take this comment and the one before when you are done reading it. I understand. Hope you are having a great day!

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