Cupcakes take 2

Over the weekend my bestie Summer came over to bake cupcakes. It was her first time and I'm not very experienced in the baking Dept either..surprisingly the cakes turned out pretty good! My mum wrote down the recipe and she kinda guided us in the beginning, then the rest were in our shaky hands!

So our baking quest began..

Summer measuring the brown sugar

Adding the chocolate paste (tasted foul on it's own!) to the mixture of sugar and butter. (thank God the mixer worked this time around! Check out my previous cupcake horror here)

Just beat it, beat it.....the batter's done - after adding in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder, eggs, essence of vanilla and milk

The babies are ready to be baked!

Into the oven you go!

Experimenting with the amount of batter we used..loved this popped fairy cakes result!

Then we did the topping - cream cheese!! =D
First I tried out to design the topping..but Summer's got the knack of it..mine came out all silly. lol

Summer's designs! :)

My smiley "Sepet" cuppie dedicated to the late Yasmin Ahmad

Summer said this creation of mine looked like a doughnut.. hehe

Summer's beautiful babies! the one on the bottom right (the messed up looking one?) yup.that's mine ..haha

First batch..My lollipop and couture cupcake is here lol can't believe I named them!

Last step: Eat em!

If any of you would like the recipe for the cupcakes and the topping, do drop a comment and I'll post it up :)


Pietro Brosio said…
These cupcakes are so well decorated and look delicious too! :-)
YN [永年] said…
When will i have some delivered to me?
Mariposa said…
Pietro: grazie!
YN: when you deliver my chico latino. ;) hahahahha
GMG said…
Wow! I'm lucky chocolate isn't my favourite... ;))
GMG said…
Hi Mariposa! Today I'll take them!! 08.08 always deserves also a bit of champagne; at least for those who got married some 34 years ago. We just had our share of Veuve Clicquot... ;))

Blogtrotter is now showing that Reykjavik is not entirely grey... ;)). Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!
adelynne said…
DANG chac, looks beyond delicious!

p.s. must make for me k, when i go there :p

p.p.s sorry lambat comment!

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