Kitty Korner

Well I've not blogged much for sometime now. Just last week I took some photos of our backyard cats. I normally only see them at night after work, so it was nice seeing them on a Sunday afternoon instead. Here are some pics of them :)

This fellow is the most vocal one. ALWAYS meows when he hears any noise at our kitchen. I think he is the watch-cat for their group.

This tabby is very intelligent. She waits at the back and knows when to catch when we throw food to her.

This kitty surpassed all my expectations! Once I was late in feeding them and when i opened the window, she shot right up the window!! Thank goodness there were steel bars and window glass to block her from coming right in. And there was one more incident when I fed them late. This time I stood far from the window and opened it. She shot right up once again and hung to the window. And started meowing when she saw me. I fed her a piece of meat straight from the window to her and surprisingly, she ate! I was rather impresssed with this one. She also normally joins in the chorus of meows with the watch-cat.

This guy was of the original 3 kitties that joined the backyard crew in 2008. There's one more brown guy with a tinge of orange on her head. Not sure where she is now.

This lil guy was also one of the kitten batch of 2008. Very quiet, minds her own business and doesn't fight.

This is Blaze. A newcomer from last year, but VERY street-smart. The reason I call him Blaze is because of his speed. He shoots from left to right with ridiculous speed! I'm always amazed to see him in action.

This Cat also joined in last year. She's a bit special as she only has visibility in one of her eyes. Normally I would keep an extra eye on her (no pun intended!) just so she gets her fare of meal.

I got a wonderful surprise that Sunday. We have a new member of the family! Isn't s/he the cutest? :) I'm sure Blaze/Blaze's daddy had something to do of its existence!


Pietro Brosio said…
Really an enjoyable post, Mariposa.
I like cats: they are clever, independent, soft. The kitties in these images are so expressive!
Happy new week :-)
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Welcome back... with Cats!!
Blogtrotter 2 is cruising with the Liberty of the Seas. Hope you enjoy it and have a great weekend!!
Pietro Brosio said…
Mariposa, the tree in my post is a weeping willow photographed few days ago.
Happy Sunday!

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