
3Cs for you ! Cupcakes, Chocolate and Cheese :)

Summer and I baked these back in April - Blackforest Chocolate Cheese Cupcake (oh my, I forgot what it was called!).

Baked Choc Cheese..we kinda burnt it. hahaha

Creamcheese topping with Cherry. Summer's work of Art.
(doesn't it look like a bloodied eyeball? Halloween idea for you =D )

I also baked with Pasu in May. Initially we wanted to make Poppy Lime Cupcakes, but changed our minds to make Chocolate Honeycomb Cupcakes instead.
Being choco fanaticos, we added HERSHEY'S CHOC CHIP to make the batter better ;)

Yay It's done.

Since we didn't have any beehives nearby to get our honeycomb, we opted for HONEY STARS as decoration ♥

Leave 2 nutcases to finish a job - you get all sorts. We even used choc chip cookies for the topping

Not one is the same

Our next bake session - Summer and I got a little ambitious..we wanted to make 2 types of cake. One was cherry cheesecake..and the other was...........
Triple chocolate mousse cake (even saying it is a mouthful).

Boy, was that a crazy one. First, we had a looooong recipe to follow through - there were 3 layers of the cake and the steps were different for all 3 layers.

Next, couldn't find dark cooking chocolate and white chocolate chips so we had used normal chocolate instead. Lastly, we had to convert all the ounces into grammes and cups.. no one told me baking needed math skills!

Then we ran out of cream, and mixed it with some other heavy cream that we had! That caused the top layer to be too watery, and it wouldn't stiffen! Gelatine to the rescue..I added some and then later on it was fine. oh the joys of mixing.

So it was a bit messed up. But I must say, after long hours of slogging..we were quite pleased with the result!
Ta-Dah! Too bad the 3 layers aren't really visible in this pic. We had to bake the bottom layer and initially it looked like a natural disaster hit it, but once the top layers were added, it tasted pretty good. I must say I was so happy the middle layer's mousse came out right :) After refrigerating, it somehow tasted better, so lucky us ;)

Killer cake and Cherry Cheese Cake

We loved the cherry filling from our previous encounter that we used it again in this bake-off.

Yummy yummy in my tummy. This cheesecake is the easiest one to do - got the recipe from Oreja. This turned out great and the best part is that it doesn't need to be baked! Just pop it in the fridge for a couple of hours and it's good to go :)

Last week Summer, Posa and another friend came over to make more cheesecake! We used blueberry topping as well this time around.

Cheesy Tart. hehe

Production in progress

After piling on the good stuff, I have to start working out to lose them!

Recipe for Triple Choc Mousse Cake: Here
(Please ask me if you would like to have the recipe for the cheesecake)


Pietro Brosio said…
Mariposa, they are all so pleasant and appetizing!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! I’m back!! One week off, one week to deal with the mess created by the absence, a birthday almost no one noticed and a weekend to rest a little bit...

Now tell me: how can I start my much needed diet with all this in front of me? ;))

Meanwhile Blogtrotter Two is enjoying a fabulous hotel: the Cala di Volpe in Costa Smeralda!! Enjoy, comment and have a great weekend!
Pietro Brosio said…
Happy weekend, Mariposa!
Raymond said…
OMG!! Them cheesecakes looked awesome!! Nice job!!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Waiting for you and the cakes at Blogtrotter Two... ;))
Have a great weekend!

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