Come Read with Me - September

I have been tied up most of my September that I did not get to update my book of the month! I didn't get much reading done.

A good friend of mine sent me a book that they used for one of his English classes (or something). I must say I enjoyed reading it a lot. 

It's a compilation of short stories that talk about Indian expatriates living in the United States. Lahiri has the ability to make you glued to the story till the end. I must say it is a bit too much if you read it all in one read (for me personally), cause it's too much culture at one go. hehe
She tends to leave the ending hanging and lets you make your own conclusions. I do know some people are not too keen on that but I think that's a way of adding a sense of unknown. There's one story in it (there's 9 in all) that has the same title as the book. I was taken aback at how literal it really meant, yet it held some mystery to it. Very interesting read and it gives an insight of how some will never let go of their culture no matter where the end up living in and also how they deal with their relationships.
More information on the author and this book:

Book 2 in September was a kiddy book. We have a library at work for employees to borrow books to improve their English. It's mostly filled with children's storybooks. I read this book during one of my lunch breaks.
I recommend this to anyone who has kids that like reading mystery books :D


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