Coping Mechanism?

Lately I had this thought about Life.

Someone asked me recently about what my thoughts were regarding God. I told her that at this point in time "God" is a word that hasn't been defined or understood by Humans just yet. Just like through time, humans research and find out the reason why certain things happen and such.

I used to put God in a box. I used to think He (ha! God has a gender!) was the only Hope and nothing else mattered and having the faith that He is going to make everything ok and this is just a temporary home. Now, I have removed the box. I do believe there is this higher power that hasn't been defined or understood by the human psyche just yet - so "God" is what it's called. Could be energy, could be that our brains haven't evolved just yet to comprehend it. So that's what I told the person.

I understand why God was put in a box - it was what I learnt and believed in the past due to the religious background I was raised in. I truly believed it, but I think I did not understand fully what I was believing in. Oddly I did not blame God when things were falling apart. I blamed myself for all of it. While things were falling apart, my definition of God felt apart together.

Then it got me into a realisation of - what if whatever we are believing is actually just a coping mechanism BECAUSE we don't have a freakin' clue why we are here and what we're supposed to do. Be it a certain religion that you follow, science, no religion, practices or new age beliefs..maybe it's all there to help us go through life. No right or wrong, just a mechanism that suits your circumstances. It might evolve through time to adjust to how you cope with life. Religion doesn't work for me now, but meditation and being mindful does. Am I just switching lanes? Something I would like to get some insight on. And if IT IS really just a coping mechanism - is it something that is "bad"?

What do you think?


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