World Music Festival 2008
Last Saturday night, Lula & I went to the World Music Festival at the Botanical Gardens. Most pics' are courtesy of Lula - and some off my phone's camera.

ooh just found a clip from Youtube of the lady turning:
You know what? looked like the person was filming near my spot! I think it was one of the jokers who were blocking me! The guy is singing in Hindi if I am not mistaken.
The next act was my fave =) Teada from Ireland! They got the crowd jumping and thoroughly entertained. Was a shame that it ended so fast. I loved their accents. There was one bloke who spoke and I had no clue what the heck he was saying~ Bring on the Scots now! =D

Anyway when the whole show began, there was this dude who was rather impolite..he said something mean to Lula, and proceeded to sit about 2 meters in FRONT of us with his girlfriend. He was smoking like his tee pee was burgled and he had to send an emergency smoke signal to all the tribes every 10 minutes. Gosh think my risk of lung cancer has increased a hundred fold. *coughs*
Next group was a French-Canadian group called - Galant, Tu Perds Ton Temps (Loverboy, you're wasting your time). They comprised of all ladies cept an old tapper. They were so-so. Didn't help they came right after the Irish lads..hard act to follow I suppose. Anyway they sang songs that liberated the women-folk. It sounded kinda rough, if I knew French then I'd understand it fully. They actually made music from their voices..something like a cross between yodelling and scatting (Sorry I don't know how else to explain it!)
Short clip of them from youtube:
Next was a local group called Diplomats of Drum. They seem to have a fan base as there were fans yelling their heads off for them. They mostly play the drums - very Bhangra ..and then there was..Param the Piper! lol that was a sight. He should've worn a kilt~
The final act of the night was a Croatian band called Kries. We watched a little of them and left (we didn't want to get caught up in the jam). They sounded really good. The lead said they were singing a shepherd song, it sounded like they fused their traditional music with rock..interesting. I wont lie..the lead singer kinda scares me.
Anyway, after fat ass kinda ruined our night, there were 3 guys who stood in front of us and started dancing..we didn't disapprove hah! Lula was liking one of them but I told her to forget it..they seemed to be enjoying company of their own kind..if you get my drift =) (darn!)
In a nutshell, I had an enjoyable night, thank God they were complimentary tickets.. if not I'd feel it was wasted just watching 3 butts the whole night =p Thanks for the company, Lula. abrazos!
I added Teada to my Myspace :P
te echo de menos =)
wish u were here. we so have to come here again! shopping haven!!
i wonder when and where will be the next one...?