Someday my Prince will come..

I used to have a picture blog in the past (something Ody and Xivinrah would know about - as it was on DK). I tried matching the photos I have with quotes. Here's one that I did. I might be posting others in the future, we'll see how.

Some ladies(and men) have what we call a "Cinderella Syndrome" - where we're waiting for the perfect Prince Charming to come whisk us away into a beautiful castle far away at an enchanted forest. This quote I found has a funny twist and stark reality of the mindset of some.
..but then again, can't a girl dream? =P If Prince Eric of the Little Mermaid was a real dude, that would be IT!
(too bad he had to choose that gorgeous red-head)

*photo credit goes to Oreja, as she took this pic. I just modified the colourings =P.


Anonymous said…
LMAO... I feel you whole heartedly on this one honey... But you didn't finish the post! At least... it doesn't feel finished to me. :P

DK, huh? I'm just glad that may have avoided any situations that might still be taking place on that thing.

I'm so scared to dream about stuff like this. I don't want to feel hurt anymore than I do now. I just don't believe that love exists anymore; not like this.
Jerome West said…
Completely fairy-tale-ish. Prince Charming is a man who is anything but charming, he would like nothing more than to sit on the throne as king and have everyone worship his handsome self. Well a girl can dream if she wants to. If Prince Charming doesn’t come you might as well take your changes with the frogs. Secret: Look for the ogres in life and you will find a real prince.

Xivinrah, as an ogre I know love exists, just look at the example of love that God has with us.
Mariposa said…
Xin - I have completed this post. My heart's set on Prince Eric..LoL
Nah just wanted you to make your own conclusion on this ;)

Lol forget abt DK. Just be glad we're no longer part of it!

Lol I know love exists, and i know you do too think that deep down; despite what we've been chatting about yesterday. You're afraid to dream because you've been hurt too many times. But hey, you never will come knocking at your heart's door one day when you're not looking for it. Plus I know you have friends(your college mates?) that love you! That's a form of love too chico.

Jerome - you definitely have a point there..regardless,i still have a major crush on Prince Eric..hehe I appreciate your comment :)
adelynne said…
I've seen that quote on a good Xanga friend's site. It makes me laugh even though it isn't meant to be all that funny... ;)

And chac - no worries k. You WILL meet that man. And when you do, he'll be eternally blessed to have you as his girlfriend and wife.

Trust me.

Love ya.
Mariposa said…
Choc: yeah i find it funny too =P
Since Prince Eric missed out on me, i'm just gonna fly solo..and i'm ok with that. if it happens, it happens righto? =D i tak sedesperate sgt pun.kekekeke
adelynne said…
Yeah, now la you talk like that. Just wait till you older a bit :p HEHEHEH. :p Then you mau ada orang sayang kamu. Tolong lar! :p
Mariposa said…
Choc: podahlah..I'm old already, thank you very much =P

If I'm alone in the future, aku pi cari jelah mana mana anjing yang perlukan rumah..haa sayang juga kan tu?

adelynne said…
Shaddap chac. :p Hahahahah.


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