A stroll down the Old Penang...

My dear friend Summerhope had brought me to the old part of Penang last Saturday.. She was telling me that although we've lived in Penang all our lives, we never truly enjoyed what Penang has to offer (yeah we're terrible Penangites!)

Anyway, there was another motive for this visit..she wanted to get a dress for a wedding. We headed to the heart of Penang - town. Old town rather. Where old shops still thrive among the modern buildings. There was also a "Ramadhan Bazaar" (Something like Ramadhan Market, but other items such as textiles are sold). We went to Chowrasta Market..I'm not very sure what the name means..Wiki said that it's named after "4 crossroads" market..But I'm not sure what language it's derived from..

One of the many lanes of pre-war houses..

Summer took this shot..she loved the pots at the windows =)

Uncle Peanut..steamed peanuts for sale..it's yum!

Multitude of pickles for the pickled hearted =P

We weaved in and out many lanes and stalls..make sure you remember how you came in cuz there are a lot of entrances and the lanes are TINY (for the stalls) .. not for the clasutrophobic soul..although at some portions there are fans (Hallelujah!)

I love the colours of these scarves..(tr3nta do you have any colours to beat this one? =P )

A variety of fabrics..so you could sew a new outfit for Raya? (Eid ul-Fitr festival - festival of breaking of the fast for the Muslims)

All in all it was a wonderful trip, and she bought a fabulous dress at Sam's Batik House..Sorry no pics of that shop (but you HAVE to go there if you want beautiful traditional/modern clothes)


Anonymous said…
Jan..is this ur blog? i cant find any authentication indication la. ur sharing with fren? hit me back to reconfirm coz i wanna link ur blog k! btwn, nice blog! =)
adelynne said…
Me gusta las fotos! I miss Old Penang, hahaha. And I miss you!
Mariposa said…
Shahrill: Yup it's mine..I share with my kakak lah..since it's a public blog so i tak guna nama sendiri.. ;)

Addy: Miss ya too chica!! =D
Anonymous said…
My god..I miss my penang so much! the last time been to the island wa slike on last august after a year awayyyy from the island! once a penangite always a penangite! im theenkeng of residing back to the island!!!!=p
Mariposa said…
Shahrill - balik je lah ;)
tr3nta said…
Unbelievable market love the colors on it I just loved to make some photos there...
Mariposa said…
tr3nta : oh you'll have a field day taking pics here =D
Anonymous said…
Yes i totally agree with all the komens here jan! U took all the fotografia urself? have to compliment that! They ARE HOT!they look amazing! Maybe u can work in vacation mags!!
Mariposa said…
Shahrill: muchas gracias =) yeah i took them, but one the flower pot one my bestie mate Summer took it. she's terror case oso hahaha

tr3nta said…
I which I add tge money to sponsor every one to Madrid... :-)
Mariposa said…
tr3nta - I wish you had the money too =) and I wish I had the money to get you to Penang! absorb the culture here =)

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