Kill the beast! (sort of)

*Note: this story is purely fictional.

One fine day, a giant decided to make Toyland as his home. He wanted to hibernate before he travels to the lands far away. Now giants hibernate for long amounts of time .. and this guy told the residents of Toyland that he'd be asleep for a 100 years..and shouldn't be awoken.At first all of the residents were fine with it..but they couldn't stand one thing about him.. he had the biggest, baddest, meanest.....SNORE that they've ever heard. The snores were so bad that it quivered and shook the earth. Houses and bridges started falling apart, and if things were not stopped. Toyland would be in shambles. So after deliberating..the residents decided to take matters into their own hands and to roll the Giant to the edge of Toyland, so that the snores would resonate away from them and their homes.

(Giant's identity has been hidden for privacy purposes)

I'd stay away from the rear if I were you..

Successfully turned him the other way!

Oh Snap, the giant woke up!!! I didn't stay on to see what the outcome was! hahaha

Moral(s) of the story:
1)Teamwork and determination helps you to get a goal accomplished
2) Never fall asleep when your son is bored. You never know what could happen to you ;)

p/s: No toys nor giants were harmed during this feat. You may rest assured.


adelynne said…
I miss you all man.
Hahahahahahaha. :D
Anonymous said…
*crickets chirping* =|

Girl what in the world is this? lol.

I think it's so cute that you and your son spend quality time together. ^_^ I always thought little boys are better than little girls. =P Either way, I don't like kids. *shrugs shoulders*

Wait a minute??? You have a son!? *faints*

Lots of love to you, hun.
Anonymous said…
whoa??? who serves as the giant???? ahhahaha LOL unique n creative one this!
Mariposa said…
Addy: what can i say? I was bored on a Friday evening. hehehe

Xin: =P you just don't get us kerayzee people with too much time on their hands =P

Rill: heheh it was my poor uncle! He was asleep and served as the best target. muahahaha!

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