Brownie Brownie

20th August 1999 - 2nd born of 5 pups from our dog, Bubbles.

2001-2003? Happy times

2005 - He loved to stretch this way!

2006 - Got lost but thankfully was found 2 days later

January 2007 - Meeting Bobo for the first time

End of 2007 (was having Jaundice - so we found out soon enough)
The vet said he had 60% to live..he hung on till 2009 (he recovered, but encountered other medical complications).

Mid 2008 - One of his eyes started to get blurry, not sure due to old age or too much medication. Was givenmendication due to ticks that caused some bacteria to affect his heart and vital organs. The vet gave him vitamins and he started on heart medication. His appetite was picking back here after months of vet visits and weight loss.

End of 2008/Early 2009 - He definitely improved towards the last quarter of '08. Started playing/fighting with Bobo and running around.

Last pic I got of him before he passed on. 1st February 09. He refused to get out of the car, and I only managed to touch his paw.

Went to the vet on4th Feb - Which I missed (the only visit that I didn't go along). Went to check on him the next evening after work..only to find him gone.

*WARNING* Next Pic is a pic taken after he passed's not scary, but if you do not like to see dead photos, just stop here please.


Bobo Saying Goodbye. He misses Brownie a lot. He seems a lot more subdued. My aunt says that he sleeps next to Brownie's grave and howls =(
5 February, 2009

R.I.P. Brownie, time for you to rest.
Always in our thoughts!


adelynne said…
oh panda... i want to cry. this is one of the sweetest posts i've ever read... he's so blessed to have you as his mistress (and your relatives too). i feel so sad seeing him in that photo under the car... dont know why tak mau keluar. and he was such a beautiful pup when he was young. bobo was so cute, too. sigh. i wish i could give you big hugs.
~Floating Lotus said…
so sad....
when i die, if u plan to do such a post, pls make sure the photos are good.

hmmm. may i pick out the photos now?
if u pick lousy photos, i may come back to haunt u...

brownie.... :(
aL said…
RIP Mr Brown :) We will miss you.
Mariposa said…
Koala: Hugs
Delphynus: I'll post all the pics I secretly took of you.. muahaha
aL: Thanks for everything missy.THank you for coming out to look for Brownie with me when he was lost. Appreciate it LOADS!
Jerome West said…
May he enjoy chasing cats up there in dog heaven and may those who are left behind find peace in their hearts that he is in a better place.
Mariposa said…
Jerome:Thank you =)

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