I always knew my dog Bobo wasn't the studious type..since he ate up homework and all (Proof: Click here )but I just realised that he was actually more the business-minded kind.. Digging up soil and scratching the car was no longer exciting.Added bonus: he has a new partner in crime, Blossom.
Last Saturday I heard some rustling sound outside the house, I thought the dogs were just messing around with the newspaper or something..little did I know they did a big mess!
The whole of outside was scattered with Paper money and plastic houses!! Little did I know what they were up to..MAN, they were playing... MONOPOLY!!!!!!!
There goes Antoine's Ben 10 MonopolyI was too amused to get upset..so I asked him one question:
So Bo, how many houses did you buy? They never fail to surprise me.
Have a great Sunday!