Property never tasted this Good

I always knew my dog Bobo wasn't the studious type..since he ate up homework and all (Proof: Click here )but I just realised that he was actually more the business-minded kind.. Digging up soil and scratching the car was no longer exciting.Added bonus: he has a new partner in crime, Blossom.

Last Saturday I heard some rustling sound outside the house, I thought the dogs were just messing around with the newspaper or something..little did I know they did a big mess!

The whole of outside was scattered with Paper money and plastic houses!! Little did I know what they were up to..MAN, they were playing... MONOPOLY!!!!!!!

There goes Antoine's Ben 10 Monopoly

I was too amused to get I asked him one question: So Bo, how many houses did you buy?

They never fail to surprise me.


KM said…
Thanks for sharing about Bobo.. Made my day :)
GMG said…
Now it's your turn to buy: another game... ;)
Have a great Sunday!
Pietro Brosio said…
Dogs are always funny, aren't they?! :-)
adelynne said…
HAHAHAHA. Apa ni Bobo! :P Actually hor... GOOD BOBO! Hahaha.
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, which is showing some sights of the most northern capital city in the world. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Jerome West said…
I will have a hotel with that, thank you very much.

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