Spain, oh how I miss thee!

View from the computer room of Univesidad de Salamanca

Long hot days and the cool summer breeze,
Ancient buildings and beautiful sceneries
Oh how I wish that time would freeze,
Once again - for me to see everything that I dearly miss


Pietro Brosio said…
Wonderful view!
Interesting church and architecture!
GMG said…
Hi Mariposa! It's a pity that the tree covers the magnificent door... Wonderful, but yiou being too creative: «cool summer breeze»? Only in Finisterra... ;))

Blogtrotter has a nice lunch location for you. Enjoy and have a great weekend! I’m having the benefit of the holidays in Portugal this week... ;))
adelynne said…
sebijik macam post i la, chac. LOL.
Mariposa said…
Pietro: grazie ;)
GMG: that's the view i always get at the computer lab..yes the breeze was still cool when i was there hehe

Addy: madre mia, tak realise la....this time of the year sure terkenang balik spain.. hais,,dah 2 thn wei

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