Summer Garden

Celebrated a friend's birthday at this restaurant called Summer Garden. They serve Western, Japanese and local cuisine. Had an awesome time :) Enjoy!

Shadow eating the croutons in the mushroom soup

BBQ Chicken

Shadow deer attacking the spoon

Apricot chicken

Pork Picata Milanese

Summer Garden Sandwiches

Our Drinks!


Pietro Brosio said…
What a delicious lunch!
The Piccata Milanese is the dish I most familiar with! :-)
Pietro Brosio said…
Here in Italy the Piccata Milanese or Cotoletta alla Milanese is a veal cutlet, wich is covered with breadcrumbs! :-)
GMG said…
Hi Mariposa!
Oh dear, it's almost midnight, don't make me hungry... ;))

Blogtrotter is visiting Old Town Antalya in Turkey. Enjoy and have a glorious week!
adelynne said…
WAHLAO, makan banyak eh :p

The shadows damn funny :D
Jerome West said…
What a feast. This is making me hungry. Was that my tummy rumbling?
NeeNeeBoo said…
Where is this??? i want to go

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