Song for me, song for you

My church friend Denise is a wonderful singer. I've been wanting to blog about her for awhile now, but procrastination always had the better of me. Today I shall blog about her! She's gone to another state now to continue her studies, and I bugged her to sing a song by Utada Hikaru..for a while now..and she actually sang it - she just passed me the link of her youtube and she dedicated the song to me. =) so sweet of you missy!

She recorded it when she was feeling still sound fabulous! Please listen to her other songs..I especially love the music she composed of a children's poem - Prayer of a Little Bird. She sang it wonderfully at church and it was impromptu!

I wish you the very best my dear and take care of yourself. God bless you!

Her youtube page, click here


Pietro Brosio said…
No videos for me: I still have a slow connection!!! ;-)
However, this video certainly must be very pleasant.
adelynne said…
nice song! but a bit high for her at the end parts. still, lovely voice. :D

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