Paper Art

Oreja gave me beautiful paper art that she made out of scrap paper.

The best part is when she gave it to me..I saw it as this:

A bird

But what she originally did it as:

A cartoon chicken!

I love it nonetheless.

and finally, the both of us would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year!


Pietro Brosio said…
Oh yes, I like them, they are so beautiful and decorative!
Have a nice day, Mariposa :-)
adelynne said…
I very blur lah. Cannot see the things you mentioned :P But I think they are pretty nonetheless!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Lovely paper work! Great creativity!

Thanks for your comment at my new blog Blogtrotter Two, now at the Art Deco District in South Beach! Hope to read you there often! Have a great week ahead!!!
Jerome West said…
I am always amazed by origami especially with all the new stuff that is popping up on the web. Anyway have a great New Year.

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