Come read with me Jan - May '14
I read a few books.. and it's going to take a few photos to jog my memory! Thankfully I took photos of the books that I read. I have a feeling I have deleted some off my phone though..hmm.. here it goes, in no particular order (cause I really cannot remember!)
The series that I was reading in January was the Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. She also wrote the Mortal Instruments (review here). I must say this series was really well written. This is actually the prequel to the Mortal Instruments (the series is not complete yet). I really like the protagonist - a girl named Tessa Gray - who actually isn't sure what she is, but later finds out she has a gift of shapeshifting. There are many elements but to make it simple, it is a novel that is adventurous, romance and sometimes lighthearted. I really like the way Cassandra writes these books; adding twists here and there that I did not anticipate and summing it up all at the end. Kudos to her. Now, to wait for Book 6 from the Mortal Instruments' Series: City of Heavenly Fire!(Eep just checked and it has been released on 27th May!)
Credits of this pic goes to Z's Bookshelf
The next book I read was The Fault in our Stars by John Green..I was ill when I read this..and it really hit home. Such a beautiful, surreal yet simple story. There is a movie out and Ed Sheeran's song All of the Stars is part of the soundtrack and I've been listening to it a lot now :) Please read it if you can. Really good! I will not spoil it for you.
Okay? Okay.
March - May I read the Divergent series by Veronica Roth
Super good series!! It's about a girl who is looking for her true identity in a city that is so "systematic" and arranged that those who do not fit in, basically gets 'wiped out'. You can read the synopsis here. The story is super filled with action, even the movie does not do it justice. Well written and totally did not expect the ending!!!
Currently I'm reading Inferno by Dan Brown :) Taking my time to read it though.