What a special date!! 20082008 . What's even more special is that..today Mr.Brownie turned 9! =) My hero has gone through hell and back and is still playing fire with his tail. Maggots, kidney failure, liver issues, tick infection, eczema, glaucoma, heart problems..bring it on, he'll always bounce back. Special thanks goes out to the 2 Dr.Gills who manage to aid him of his ailments! What a drama dog we have. Knew him since he was itty bitty..your mummy Bubbles must've had hell 9 years ago when 5 puppies popped out of her lol Out of the 5 puppies, we identified this Brown male to be the laziest..never played much with his brother and sisters, always slept under the sofa..and hence got the name "Grampa Brown". Happy Birthday Brownie! and also to your brother and sisters Buttons Beam (now known as Princess, lives with our neighbour) Beauty (R.I.P.) Bumper (R.I.P.) Love you muchos chico ;)