
I have a serious problem. I think I'm in love with .............PANDAS.

've received a few emails about them in the past, and just now I just watched a documentary on captive pandas..MAN THEY ARE ADORABLE!!!

Pocketful of Sichuan sunshines

These babies are actually situated in the Sichuan Wolong Panda Protection and Breeding Center. As we know, the numbers of Pandas in the world is dwindling down. This center aims to breed them and subsequently return them to the wild.

He ain't heavy, he's my brother!

They also have a Panda Kindergarten, not too sure what they do there..maybe teach them to play nice and hold bamboo colouring competitions..or

Play Peek-a-boo

Learn to crawl

I also received an email about them after the horrendous Sichuan Earthquake on May12th. Said they huddled together and stayed close. I rememebr reading that there were 2 adult pandas who went missing..not too sure if they located them. The damage was pretty bad, but there are people who are passionate about these creatures and they are doing their all to comfort and care for them. Read here for more info. May God bless these kind souls!

Drinking..cute babystars!

Lol obviously he hasn't learnt his table manners yet ;)

hehehehe my fave pic. This was also apparantly after the earthquake.

Oreja keep telling me to remember that they are BEARS. They are dangerous too..but how can you take them seriously when they look like this??

There's a site called the Wolong Panda Club where you can get updates on these darlings. You can also view their panda webcam there. You are also able to adopt a Giant Panda there, and give donations. They also state about their research activities there.

Time for me to head to bed as well. Nighty night!


adelynne said…

I wannna scoop one up and bring one home with me.
Mariposa said…
I KNOW! dei get me one for christmas ok?

you can sponsor one giant panda..RMB4000 a year..tarak duit macamana nak tolong? hais...
GMG said…
Hi Mariposa! First of all many thanks for your comment on my post of 08.08.08 at 08h08 at Blogtrotter, now in Kos, Greece! It was great to read you there. Second, sorry for the long delay to come here, but August was a terribly busy month, as everybody else seems to be in vacation…
Anyhow, I found sometime now to land here and enjoy your blog. WOW! Love these pandas. The first one I saw was Ling Ling. Great treat!
Wish you a great weekend!
Mariposa said…

I just saw your entry on Ling Ling..gorgeous!!
Anonymous said…

problems, u have.
tr3nta said…
They sure r cute!!!

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