Le Roi Soleil

I accidentally stumbled upon something wonderful whilst browsing Youtube for new French songs..yes I listen to songs that I don't understand =P I love to hear how they pronounce the language..it's so beautiful and knowing that I'll butcher the language should I try it and get my tongue twisted (literally)..it's better off just listening to it ;) ..Anyways I found a few songs that was really nice to listen to (wow my English teacher would flinch knowing that I used the word 'nice' to describe something) and I noticed that they all had the same album or something - Le Roi Soleil. ..I knew that soleil meant 'sun'..but after translating it, I found out that it actually meant "The Sun King".

For those who are familiar which European History, you will already know who the sun king is without cracking your head. More than a French song, eh? Well I'm not familiar with European History(maybe I learnt it during History lessons but now the memory's history) and thanks to Wikipedia, I now know who this sunny fellow is/was. He is King Luis XVI - France and Europe's longest serving Monarch! No wonder he's beaming. This Monarch sure knows how to pose. I'd do something about the hair though.

hey Luis..Why so serious? hehehe

Why is he called the Sun King? Well it's cause the planets revolve around the sun, and to him, France and his courts should revolve around him. Heh. Moving along, Luis the Great (that's one more of his nicknames) was a great and powerful guy and increased France's power throughout Europe and was attached to some wars(which I'm not going to elaborate). He was responsible of the construction the Palace of Versailles aka Château de Versailles aka the PowerHouse (Which is now UNESCO's World Heritage Site).

He's so popular that he has himself depicted in movies, books, telly series, songs and even a rock band named after him. Remember the Man in the Iron Mask acted by Leo DiCaprio? Well it was about him. Yup.Even Beatles has a songs titled the Sun King. It sure seems like the world is revolving in his memory. THERE IS ALSO A BOARD GAME NAMED AFTER HIM!

What more can he ask for? ....How about a Musical? That's right..he got that!! Le Roi Soleil is a popular French Musical about the King himself. Those were the songs that I stumbled upon at Youtube (Yes I can get long-winded!) So I caught a few clips of the musical..the cast were wearing those olden-days costumes, and yet the songs were modern and the musical seemed.. light(I bet their costumes weren't) and fun even. I think it's a comedy(?) The musical debuted in 2005 and ended in 2007 by Kamel Ouali . Man I am outdated! They have a very young and energetic cast (and good looking)

Looks like he got a digital perm instead! hehehehehe

Very talented cast

The guy on the right plays Luis - Emmanuel Moire (Manu)

I wont post any clips from the musical itself, as the clips are pretty blur and the quality of the audio isn't that fantastic. This song is from the musical and you can see the whole cast singing here. They are simply wonderful.

Manu, me gusta mucho tus ojos!

Christophe Maé - he looks sooo familiar, but I can't place his face

Now Manu has an album out and I love his voice! And The guy who acted as his brother,Christophe Maé is a French singer who also plays the harmonica. I think they both are
très beau =D The ladies are absolutely gorgeous as well!

I would love to hear from those who have watched this musical.

P/S: Manu/Christophe, Call me! LoL I mean Appelez-moi..merci beacoup!

Useful Links
1. Luis XVI of France
2. Le Roi Soleil the musical
The Palace of Versailles
4. Emmanuel Moire Official Website
5. Christophe Maé
6. Youtube


Mockingbird said…
Did you watch Les Miserable before? :)
Mariposa said…
Hi Mockingbird, nice to see you here =)

Nope i didn't watch Les Miserables before. Was it good?

p/s: your display pic is awesome ;)
adelynne said…
I love Les Miserables! And this movie sounds interesting leh.
Mariposa said…
darling, it's a musical. i will send you the soundtrack later when the connection isn't so mierda-ish vale?
emmagibbs said…
King Luis goes through about 4 different lovers throughout it, and the musical itself was written by Emmanual Moire in order to give himself and Mae a chance to sing. The soundtrack is fantastic. the play is rather modern and confusing but worth watching if you understand the Sun King's life, and french.
Mariposa said…
Thanks for the heads up, Emma :)

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