Save the Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna

The Mediterranean Sea off Barcelona@ summer 2007

I received an email from WWF Panda about the Bluefin Tuna. This is what they said:

Mediterranean bluefin tuna is on the brink of commercial and biological collapse, driven by the uncontrolled demand for its high quality meat for sushi around the world.

The root cause lies in decades of mismanagement. But the solution is now in the hands of restaurant owners, chefs, retailers and consumers, like you, to bring this magnificent species back from the brink.

WWF has time and again urged the adoption of a management plan based on advice from international scientists. But with those responsible choosing not to listen, WWF is now calling for a 3 year moratorium – to regain control over the fishery and allow stocks to recover – and the boycott of the species by consumers, retailers, chefs and restaurants.

Please add your voice and plan to boycott the Mediterranean blue tuna - until a recovery plan is put in place for the species based on scientific advice.

Thank you,

WWF International

For those tuna lovers, you can ask before purchasing your tuna. Do your bit to save this fishy:

Pic courtesy of Treehugger

So in the future if you ever go scuba diving, you can see them and freak out! If they're gone, then the job's left to the sharks..

Useful Sites:
WWF - Click this link and you can do your bit to save them!
Treehugger - KM is this our Tree?? can't be right?


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