I am not a cat person. No ma'am. not at all. dogs, yes. anytime. I love them.
Dogs are deemed to be Man's best friend. What about cats? Well..I think cats are one step ahead of Humanity..for being high and mighty..they treat humans like slaves (and without most of us knowing it) I'll give you a scenario..
I was waiting for Oreja the other day (where the heck are you anyway?start blogging, bakri!) at her lab..and all of a sudden a cat purrs near my feet. I tried to pet her but she wasn't really responding. She proceeded to jump up another seat and sat down. After a while, she got up to the table and walked my way. Next thing I knew..she hopped down unto my lap and sat on it!! I was (pleasantly) surprised.
Started licking my hand (eww, becareful they have spiky tongues) and without me knowing, I started to pet her
After making her self comfortable, she curled up and fell asleep!
I tell you they're really she's got me thinking of getting a cat. BAD KITTY!! (later I found out that her name was D2)
Ladies and gentleman, D2 had made me feel honoured to be petting her and actually not feel used (see what I mean by them being one step ahead??)
I rest my case.