Mon Essentiel

I stumbled upon this song last year - and till now I still love it~ It's called Mon Essentiel (My Essential) taken from a French musical Le Roi Soleil depicting the story of the Sun King - King Louis XVI. This is a song where the king sings (in the musical) his love to Marie - an Italian emigrant with no noble birth (according to Wiki). I had a post about it last year - please click here for more info.

Here's the video of the song sung by the cast:

and here's the official video clip (I think)


Anonymous said…
Oooo.... I wanna hear about the story of the Sun King... Louis XVI. =( Where dat at?
Mariposa said…
My old blog has some info:
and you can get more info at Wiki:
Maiden of Mercy said…
Thanks. It is so gorgeous this time of the year. Have a great day!
God bless.
Maiden of Mercy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maiden of Mercy said…
Hi Mariposa
How are you doing today?I don't think that will be a good ideal, but thanks for asking. Have a great day. God bless you!
~Floating Lotus said…
the song sucks
Mariposa said…
Del: I'll play it more often in the mornings before we go to work :D

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