Mooody days
Lately our neighbourhood has been terrorized by hoofed invaders! They have seen grazing around for a couple of weeks now. My aunt speculated that due to the hot weather, the grass have dried and they've ventured further to look for greener pastures (don't we all?)
Here's a video of Bobo getting all mad about cows:
I was too chicken to walk out of my house after seeing them; afraid that they would chase me..guess you can call me a COWard =P
Sorry I couldn’t visit you for the last two weeks! I’m trying to catch-up and see the wonders you have around!
But now I get here and am received by a Cow Ward... Amazing... ;))
Meanwhile, one of the most beautiful Forts in India waits you and your comments at Blogtrotter: – The Amber Fort! Enjoy and have a great weekend!