Come Read With Me (February)

I've got 4 books to share with you for February :)

First would be a book given to me by Mariposi (aka Gavin) for my birthday. Was so thoughtful of you! Thank goodness he gave me the English version as I do not think I would be able to tackle the original version (which is in Spanish) as my vocabulary in Spanish is abysmal at this moment.

The cover of the book pretty much sums up the story - A novel in monthly instalments with recipes, romances and home remedies. The story is set in a ranch in Mexico. A boy resorted to marry the sister of his girlfriend just so he could be close to her as she was destined to take care of her mother till her mother dies as she was the youngest of the family. I love the way Laura writes and she incorporates a lot of recipes in between the main plot. I just watched the movie (no subtitles!) and it was a good thing I read the book beforehand or else I might have gotten a little lost. They followed the book 100% and it was really good :)

For more information:
Laura Esquivel

The next 3 books I read would be the Percy Jackson series. I've 2 more to go :)
If you like Greek mythology simplified, you will like this. If you don't like Greek mythology, you will like it too, since it's simplified ;) These books follow Percy Jackson, a young demi-god (Half blood - half human, half god) on his quests upon finding out that his Father is actually one of the Greek Gods (I'm not going to spoil it for you).This boy has ADHD and is dyslexic, which makes him 'not normal in a normal world'. But the setting of these stories are in the current world (it will be explained in the book) All the books are standalone, so that's really good. I LOVE the way Rick Riodan writes. He has the ability to let the reader's mind imagine what he writes without much effort. There are some writers that try to do that and fail (for me anyway, as it gets too long winded). He keeps things simple, and funny. To tackle the Greek Mythology is something of a feat. I remember reading a book of Greek myths years ago and got confused on who was who as they were all connected! The books are very light to read and it's really fun. The humour in it is good too. Best part (I read this in a newspaper article a couple of days ago) is that Riodan wrote these books for his son, who is dyslexic. Kudos to Riodan. I really love the books! :) I would not go into details of each book as I think you should go get the books and read them! very thin, so you can finish them up in a jiffy.

The pictures of the books are taken from Rick Riodan's official website
Just started on book 4 :)


Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! March has arrived and maybe this awful winter will be gone... And it's also time for the Great Festival of Colours!!

Read so many books, never heard of these... something must be wrong on this side of the Atlantic... ;))

Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is still in Haiti, now at Malfini Beach. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!
Pietro Brosio said…
The last three books on the Greek mythology must be interesting and fantastic, but I don't know if I can find them here in Italy!
Very nice post :-)
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Came back to announce that Blogtrotter 2 has moved to the Reggae Land. ;)) Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!
adelynne said…
have you watched the movie yet? the percy jackson one.
adelynne said…
p.s. that xanga site is not locked or anything, you can come and comment. if you want la. :)
Trotter said…
Missing you!!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! So, what do we have for March? ;)

Blogtrotter 2 has moved to the Cayman Islands. Enjoy and have a great weekend!!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa!
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter 2, which has now landed in Mexico. Enjoy and have a great week!!

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