Come Read With Me (January)

Just something I've decided to do for year 2010. I realised that I've sometimes abandoned what I loved to do most due to other daily commitments - read. So this year I have told myself to read at least one book a month. I barely made the deadline for January. I finished reading the book on the 31st! The book I'm talking about is Anne Frank - the diary of a young girl.

I've read 2 versions of this book 13 years ago in school. I must say the latest version I read would be the best one. This book is a journal written by a Jew living in the Netherlands during the Holocaust. She writes about her life living in hiding for 24months.

The ones I read previously was quite simplified and didn't show much of her emotions deeply. It was very light. Whereas for this book, it truly showed how depressed Anne was during her time in the Secret Annex.
It also showed what strong individual views she had and how she struggled to keep her opinions to herself to avoid conflict. She sometimes shows the immaturity of her age but over the time you will see her mature.

I believe she would've been an amazing person if she survived the Holocaust.She was such an intelligent person and witty. Reading her private thoughts and views about that time really helped all of us to get a view on how it was like during those times. And showed the dreams of a 14 year old.

There was one part of the book that is very inspiring:

"I've found that there is always some beauty left - in nature, in sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these all can help you. Look at these things, then you'll find yourself again, and God, and then you regain your balance. And whoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery!"

Something very true :)

Another book I would like to recommend reflecting the same topic would be The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (Fiction). I thought it was beautifully written.

More info:
1. Anne Frank - Wikipedia
2. Anne Frank's official website
3. The Book Thief

February : I've finished my minimum quota~ Have read Book 1 Rick Riodan's Percy Jackson's series. Stay tuned!


Maiden of Mercy said…
How are you doing? Long time. :-) I have been doing good. Thanks for the comment. I took some of those photos and Bethany took some too. How is life with you? Hope you are having a wonderful year. God bless

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