Taking advantage of a longer weekend, I actually watched 4 movies in a span of 5 days! Here are my reviews:

First one was Percy Jackson. It's a book series from Rick Riodan. A friend of mine recommended the books a week ago. There are 5 books in total and the first book is Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Lighting Thief. A movie was made based on the book. I liked it that they simplified the plot and I really enjoyed it. Movies can never be better than books but it was a fun watch nonetheless. :)

Second movie I watched was Valentine's Day. It was light and easy to watch. It portrays how Love is for people of different ages. oh there are lots of big names in it too.

We had no choice to watch this one as the line at the cinema was soooo long and most movies were sold out. My advice is not to watch this movie. It's so straightforward. Man ets bitten by a creature and changes into the beast himself every full moon and runs amok killing people and in the ends dies by the woman he loves but manages to bit someone else before that. Movie ends with a howl. Blah!

This was a last minute decision to watch a movie after work. My friend Maripasu came to pick me from work and we went and simply chose a movie (the line was soooo long once again as many people were still on holiday). It was a good movie and was quite funny at some parts. Its about China's clan wars and how China was unified by a certain clan. But the movie focuses on a soldier - who's actually a farmer who was forced to become a soldier to fight for his district that makes a General of his enemy a captive so that he can get his reward and get an exemption from going to war ever again. Through the journey these 2 people get to know more about each other. The ending is rather bittersweet. Quite enjoyed it.
so there you go :)
Few days ago I've watched "Rebecca, the second wife" by Alfred Hitchcock: fantastic movie!
Have a nice day! :-)
What a collection!! Great movies around!!
Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is in Haiti. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!
Agree with you that the books are better than movies!