Come Read with Me - January '12

I am so behind time, initially I was supposed to complete reading this book in December, but with friends visiting, preparations for Christmas and also the New Year had made me a lazy butterfly :)

The book that I read was the final book of the Inheritance Cycle - Aptly named Inheritance. Paolini really pushed himself in this one, in fact, it feels a little bit too much..and the ending is [too] neutral for my liking. A smart move as he opened leeway for the story to continue. [Perhaps a new series??]

This would be the first book that I've read that I actually felt sick/pain when I read the battle scenes. Good job, writer >.< The story had some endings for some of the characters, but all in all I enjoyed reading it, but the story became a little flat after the climax battle ended.

Thank you for writing this cycle as you have made me love dragons considering there are in actual fact a gigantic version of the house lizards that I dislike oh so much! :P


Sean said…
Hey awesome blog!!!!!!

if you could please follow or comment or just look at my blog!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! It’s already deep into the New Year and into the crisis, but hope is the last thing to fade... We’ll survive!

"Night train to Lisbon" - Pascal Mercier

Blogtrotter Two is visiting a place you probably wouldn’t suspect... ;). Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!!
Pietro Brosio said…
I am thinking of the thrilling animated dragon of the Walt Disney's famous "Sleeping Beauty" movie, in the final battle with the prince.
Happy Monday, Mariposa!
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Sorry for the absence, but time has been at a premium here... ;)
Blogtrotter Two has reached April 2011; no trips, and posting delay is shortening... ;). Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!
This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
Trotter said…
Hi Mariposa! Everything ok?
Blogtrotter Two is missing you at the Virgin Islands... Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!
Trotter said…
Hi Maiposa! Today is a holiday in Portugal, but it’s the worst winter day we had since last October... As grey as if we were living in Northern Europe... So, the only right thing to do is surfing the Net... ;)
Blogtrotter Two is now in St. Kitts and Nevis... Enjoy and have a great week!!!

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