I'm back!

 It's been a long time since I wrote in this blog (why is this a familiar line? haha). I guess with many other distractions I haven't been able to focus on blogging. Let's try it out again.

The last post I did was in 2017! Was the concert of Ed Sheeran's Divide tour. That was a fun one. After that I managed to attend one more concert by..BLUE (!) Used to listen to them when I was in school and it was nice when they came to do a concert - all the old aunties screaming at *still* fit uncles..LOL what a joke, but it was certainly enjoyable to singalong and dance. I didn't know that would be the last live concert that I'll be going to till the Pandemic came upon us!

Here's a short recap of the years that I haven't blogged about:

2018: Traveled to India, Germany and Hong Kong (yeah, I went crazy traveling and it was really great as they were different experiences. Perhaps I should blog about each destination (IF I CAN RECALL OMG THE MEMORY HAS DETERIORATED!). India was a tour with the family, Germany was on our own (with sis, cousin and my uncle) and HK were with my besties. they were all different, yet special in its own way.

2019: Had to travel for work to Medan and Yangon twice - also a very different experience as EVERYTHING was taken care of. Oh, and I decided to resign from my job of 12yrs+. I guess I felt that I've done everything I can there and didn't feel a pull to continue on the same path. 12yrs 7mths is pretty good, no? I learnt and contributed (yes, I have to give myself credit as well) in those years I was there and grateful for the opportunity and experiences. 

2020: Officially left my work in mid-Jan and a friend from Germany came to visit! It was fun cause I had no work commitments and able to bring him around and also enjoy my beautiful island. After that I went on a mini holiday to Kuching, Sarawak with my cousin sis. It was a fun lil trip AND that was when we started hearing the rumours of Covid..I must say we were really fortunate and blessed to be able to have a short holiday and get home safely. I was doing part time admin work after I came back from my holiday (VERY fortunate to have gotten that) and was offered a full time job starting March 2020. It was admin work and also some management of social media accounts and video editing. (if anyone is interested to edit their videos, message me! I can help you). It was really nice to work on my own after so many years of managing and interacting with a LOT of people. March 18 came and we all had to go into full lockdown. Started working from Home and that was that. Did a lot of yoga and started and completed Insanity (supposed to take 2 months, but I delayed and completed it in 6 months haha). In between the Community Dance group that I joined had a few events that we were fortunate to record in between pockets of reduced restrictions of the lockdown.

2021: Here I am now..in the 9th month of the year! Time has flown. Changed a bit of my diet and started jogging and working out (until the lockdown) and picked up reading again. Last time I used to be so determined to ensure I read 1 new book a month..I guess a lot of priorities have changed, and I'm not being too hard on myself. I do a lot of dance workouts on Youtube (by this amazing lady called MYLEE DANCE) - that has somewhat kept me sane during these moments. I like the solitude, yet being connected with others virtually. 

I'll add on some of the Books I've read and my travel journeys in time to come. Stay tuned!  


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